Online Social Work Degrees

A bachelor’s degree in social work is considered the minimum educational requirement for most positions in social work. Many aspiring social workers find that earning their degree online is more flexible and convenient for their schedule than completing an on-campus program. Additionally, the best online social work degrees follow the same rigorous curricula as their brick-and-mortar counterparts, leading to the same job opportunities for successful graduates. Visit the pages below to learn more about online bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees in social work.

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Explore Online Degrees in Social Work

Bachelor’s Degrees

Check out this guide to learn more about the bachelor’s in social work degree, or BSW, which is suitable for caseworkers, mental health assistants, and entry-level administrative positions.

Explore Top Online Social Work Programs

Explore Requirements by State

Clinical social workers must have a license to work in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Nonclinical social workers must also obtain a license or certificate in most states. Licensed social workers usually need a master’s degree and at least two years of supervised, post-graduate work experience. State licensure boards ultimately determine who is eligible to become a licensed social worker, and consequently, the criteria for clinical and nonclinical positions vary from state to state. This directory allows you to browse the licensing and certification criteria for social workers across the country. To learn more, visit the state pages linked below.

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